Even once the process is underway, it is likely to be at least a century before the new Chapters are ready to take to the field. The lightning strike is often precluded by a stealthily inserted scout mission, the Neophytes led by grizzled scout sergeants who themselves the veterans of a hundred missions. The Trial might range from the lifting of impossibly heavy loads to the imbibing of toxic substances. A stalwart battle-brother of the Imperial Fists Chapter. Viable planets are an invaluable asset to the Imperium, and ones with large amounts of natural and desirable resources are ruthlessly exploited. Now that you have all the pertinent information for your new Chapter, the real fun begins! It might be that mutant or psyker populations have been allowed to expand unchecked. Planetary assaults are a common type of warfare in the Imperium. Such Chapters may recruit from a variety of nearby planets, drawing their recruits from Feral World tribes, Hive world gangs or any other source. Instead, the Imperial Fists rely on their 10,000-year-old mobile space fortress, Phalanx, to serve as their Fortress-Monastery. Known as The Flaw, these genetic curses known separately as the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. Statues of their Primarch Roboute Guilliman and their greatest heroes rear high above countless plazas and city gates, and images of their myriad victories glow from stained glass windows in the mightiest basilica imperialis. Space Marine Chapters utilising Medieval Worlds as their base may keep their distance from the populace, as they do on Feral worlds, or they may establish themselves as distant overlords, high-kings or secret warrior orders. None know the roots of this practice, which for many Imperial Fists becomes an obsession they must indulge every hour they are not fighting or training. It is a long and sometimes fatal process that must be done in the correct order. While Space Marines are extremely long-lived, the vast majority die in battle and this Chapter embraces the fact. No homebrew Chapter shall have a home world on a Cardinal World, Forge World (or any other world governed by the Adeptus Mechanicus) or a Daemon World. Though there have been recorded incidents within GW established canon where a lost company has decided not to return to their parent Chapter, and has decided to strike out on their own, this doesn't mean that they have become a different entity. They are well-known across the galaxy for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, and feared for the curse of flawed gene-seed they carry. This is both lazy and unimaginative. Battle-Brothers that underwent a Survival of the Fittest Trial before being accepted in the ranks of the Chapters Neophytes are often possessed of a heroic air, for they proved themselves the greatest warriors of their home world in passing the Trial. Habitable worlds are a scarce resource in the galaxy, and Mankind is not the only race to have called many worlds home over the aeons. The last remaining relic of Rogal Dorn, his skeletal hand, is displayed in their fortress-monastery on the Phalanx as a reminder of the ultimate dedication their duty and the Emperor require of the Space Marines. Your Chapter's history can run the gamut from simply conducting raids on foul xenos to deeply connected endeavours, filled with intrigue, that interact with Inquisitors, Rogue Traders, and other servants of the Imperium. This is not to say that you couldn't imply that your Chapter might display lupine traits within their gene-seed. It is only those Civilised Worlds that maintain the most rigid military traditions that are likely to appeal to the Adeptus Astartes as s source for Aspirants. Many Chapters, however, do not adhere so rigidly to the Codex patterns laid down for the organisation or other processes. Most Chapters maintain sufficient stocks of armoured transport vehicles such as Rhinos and Razorbacks to transport entire companies, and some have become masters of the mechanised assault, the Battle-Brothers taking objectives with terrifying speed or bearing down on an entrenched foe before he even has time to mount a defence. Inevitably, in such an environment large sections of the population fall to destitution and anarchy, and while the forges and manufactoria are ruthlessly managed, vast areas of these cities are often abandoned to misrule and neglect as new ones are built. Very little of the world's surface is above sea level, and what landmass does exist takes the form of hundreds of thousands of tiny islands, or of a single, larger continent. Space Marines are foremost amongst the defenders of humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. A codex (pluralized as codexes by Games Workshop), in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame, is a rules supplement containing information concerning a particular army, environment, or worldwide campaign. Protracted siege warfare, whether fought defensively or offensively, is a form of war rarely practised by the Space Marines and generally left to the far more numerous armies of the Imperial Guard. With each Primarch the Emperor re-discovered during the Great Crusade, He gave command of the Space Marine Legion created from their genetic material back to them. When extremes of stress and trauma stretch even the prodigious mental and spiritual strength of a Space Marine, those qualities that make him a glorious exemplar of Humanity may turn him into the very opposite. The two tables presented below provides some ideas for the various elements of the name should you need some inspiration. These are merely a fraction of the possibilities you can create: With all the turmoil and problems that each Chapter's beliefs and dogmas can bring, the ability to overcome these things in the service of the Imperium is where your Chapter can really shine. [1a] Those Beastmen who have been introduced into the Imperial cult possess a simple but fierce devotion to the Emperor, regarding him as a vengeful god which demands tribute in the form of the blood of his enemies. Only the most exceptional of Civilised Worlds ever provide recruits to the Adeptus Astartes, and these are generally societies with a strong warrior code imbued by hundreds of generations of service, perhaps rigorously enforced by a ruling military elite. The Blood Angels suffer such a fate, for their own flaw is at once the source of their nobility and drive for perfection in all things, and the curse that forces them to relive the dying moments of their beloved Primarch in the heat of battle. Having some idea of how the Chapter interacts with other Imperial institutions can provide some interesting plot points and scenarios for your Chapter. A suitable home world must be identified, which in all likelihood will provide not only a secure and defensible base of operations for the new Chapter, but a source of new recruits too. This usually occurs in three stages: The Battle-Brothers of the Adeptus Astartes are the champions of Mankind, but in becoming so they have surrendered much of what makes them human. The Dark Angels have a shadowy past hidden by the weight of history and shrouded in the smoke and blood of the Horus Heresy itself. After all, a brother who cannot be entirely trusted to keep the Chapter's secrets is unlikely to advance through its ranks. Rules in expansions remain valid unless superseded by a newer publication. Many aspire to the qualities displayed by the creature, displaying related motifs in their livery and titles. Not all Blood Duels are to the death, and some have highly ritualistic and specific victory conditions. The Lost Primarchs of the First Founding Space Marine Legions are the two Primarchs of the IInd and XIth Legions who, for unknown reasons, were deliberately expunged from all known Imperial records and archives before the onset of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. There was only ever one produced. This Trial requires the Aspirant to track down and slay, or sometimes capture, such a predator, turning the tables on those who prey upon his people and proving his worthiness to become an Astartes Neophyte. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. A Feral World savage might be deposited in a hive city, for example, or a Hive Worlder in a predator-infested Death World jungle. The Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters still suffer from the psychic imprint left by Sanguinius' death (or by the daemonic "wound" caused on Signus Prime). Some, like the Blood Drinkers appear to have nearly overcome the violent rages which plague their brothers, while others, such as the Flesh Tearers, are all but lost to blood lust. Occasionally a Space Marine Chapter will establish its Fortress-Monastery in such a place, often due to its position or because the Chapter wishes to maintain its privacy and isolation. Battle-Brothers from such a Chapter are generally more intellectually flexible those from a strict Codex tradition, but may not be able to inspire the same confidence that a close adherent might. A contributor must acquire Administrator approval prior to posting their article, should they wish to have a Chapter that exceeds the usual 1,000 battle-brothers. Newly formed Chapters created at this time that were carved out of the remaining 9 Loyalist Legions became known as Successor Chapters. In such societies, Trials are all but unnecessary and instead of staging formal tests and challenges the Space Marines simply watch these wars from afar, witness the deeds of the greatest heroes and select the victors as Aspirants. Other Aspirants might have to cross an entire continent of irradiated ash dunes, traverse an impassable mountain range, swim a predator-infested ocean or a hundred other such challenges. Chapters utilising isolated, unpopulated planets as their home worlds have to look farther afield for sources of recruitment, but they are rarely far from worlds they are entitled to recruit upon. The adjective and noun can also be reversed, as is common amongst Blood Angels Successors (such as "Angels Encarmine"). The nature of the trials set by the outsiders vary enormously, but all are so arduous that only a handful pass them. Yet he is counted amongst the most noble and charismatic of the Chapter's leaders, in no small part because the Chapter's own identity is so established and ingrained that even the most extreme of outside influences has little or no effect on it. Therefore, it is not advisable to write about a Loyalist Successor Chapter of one of the Traitor Legions. The frightening potency of the Canis Helix is legendary, and has accounted for the loss of the lives of millions of Aspirants as their bodies writhe and churn in anguish. The Raven Guard is one of the original First Founding Chapters of the Space Marines and was originally the XIXth Space Marine Legion before the Second Founding and the adoption of the Codex Astartes. Some of the more common types of warfare are described below. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. When possible, many Space Marine assaults are precluded by a bombardment staged by strike vessels or battle barges in orbit over an enemy position, softening up the resistance and hampering the foe' swill and ability to fight. Another peculiar and unexplained quirk of the Chapter is the Imperial Fists' pathological need to scrimshaw the bones of their dead when off-duty. Many such flaws are two-edged swords, providing unheard of benefits balanced against terrible drawbacks. Dead worlds are those that millennia ago harboured signs of life, but which have long since become lifeless, arid rocks. The vast majority of Space Marine Chapters are descended from the Ultramarines, and as such adhere to the dictates of the Codex Astartes. but that very fact makes them less suitable as a recruitment source for the Adeptus Astartes than many other types. All codices were rendered obsolete by 3rd edition Warhammer 40,000. Such Chapters may appear superficially to follow the organisational doctrines of the Codex, yet focus on close combats when it comes to delivering victory, or they may actually field an increased proportion of Assault Squads over Tactical or Devastator Squads. Space Marines are untouched by plague or any natural disease and can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Eighteen known Space Marine Legions were created from the gene-seed of the 18 known Primarchs engineered by the Emperor of Mankind from His own genetic code in His gene-laboratories in the Imperial Palace on Terra beneath the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains. The Chapter's Primarch was a deeply devoted warrior who fought tirelessly at the right hand of the Emperor, but even this towering exemplar had his flaws, as he himself is known to have acknowledged. Other Chapters use Thunderhawks to deliver Assault Squads to the front line, the jump-pack equipped warriors leaping from the troop bays at a great height and descending directly on to the foe with chain swords howling and bolt pistols blazing. Black Templars are filled with a righteous power and hatred for the witch and heretic, even beyond that of other Chapters. After this, the Space Wolves would forever remain alone, the sole inheritors of the legacy of Leman Russ. Having originally been given their own Codex to act as "the default" for Space Marines in second edition Warhammer 40k, for the past five editions the Ultramarines have been part of the standard Space Marines Codex. Such a connection to a reviled Traitor Legion would also be a terrible dishonour and would explain why the Death Eagles' heritage and original Legion colours may have been deliberately obscured from the Imperial record. Every possible resource is mustered in the pursuit of victory, with entire planetary populations turned over to supporting the war effort, no matter the cost. Others make a point of seeking out new societies to recruit from, ever vigilant for promising recruits. Commonly, a Blood Duel Trial is fought in rounds, with Aspirants fighting foe after foe until only a small number remain. Thunderhawk Transporters carry armoured vehicles - either two Rhinos or a single Land Raiderslung beneath their bellies. Such places are steeped in dread and enshrouded by cosmic horror, such that only Space Marines, or those capable of becoming one, can survive there without succumbing to gibbering insanity. The indexes were subsequently replaced by a new series of codices. In the more than 10,000 standard years that have passed since the First Founding of the 20 original Space Marine Legions by the Emperor of Mankind, there have been 25 subsequent Foundings of new Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes; with the most recent, the 26th Founding, occurring in the year 738.M41, approximately 250 years before the current year, which in the Warhammer 40K universe, is 999.M41. A fanmade codex for a group of Spyrer Hunters of Necromunda. Note: Much of the text here has been copied from the RPG "Deathwatch: Rites of Battle" with some information from the affiliate Warhammer 40K Fanon Wiki under the Fair Use doctrine. Gene-seed tithing would be doubled for the next standard century to replenish the vaults. New Space Marine Chapters are not created piecemeal as required by the Imperium of Man's strategic needs, but rather in deliberate groupings called "Foundings." whose size exceeds 1,000 Battle-Brothers.. except in certain situations, such as if they are a Crusading Chapters (similar to the Black Templars). When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: Since the death of Chapter Master Orlando Furioso at the hands of the Daemon Prince Periclitor, the Howling Griffons have fostered and nurtured a deep and unrelenting hatred of the Word Bearers, and a vow to seek retribution against them and their lord Periclitor no matter the cost. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests in one of its Battle-Brothers, it usually progresses in three stages. A pict-capture of The Rock, the massive, mobile fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels Chapter. One of the most common Trials takes the form of a duel between Aspirants, often to the death. More cynical minds might wonder if the mysteries of the Red Scorpions' past and their origins might also have something to do with their fanatical desire to prove their loyalty and that they are beyond the reproach of their peers. Mia Pallas Blog: Gav Thorpe Live! Though no Successors have ever been officially confirmed, there is no practical reason why one could not create their own Salamanders Successor Chapter of their own. The concept of a battlezone codex was replaced by Games Workshop's Expansions. The Dark Angels, for their part are impatient and unforgiving with strangers who pry into their affairs. Using Shooting, combat and Save modifiers. The Imperial Fists are one of the First Founding Chapters of the Space Marines and were originally the VIIth Legion of the Legiones Astartes raised by the Emperor Himself from across Terra during the Unification Wars. One particularly inventive variation of the Exposure Trial is one in which the Aspirant is taken from his own environment and transplanted into an entirely unfamiliar one. The Imperium is a harsh place, nice people don't live long. The Salamanders as a Chapter are unusually concerned with civilian casualties compared to most other Space Marines and believe that one of their most important duties is to protect the lives of the Emperor of Mankind's innocent subjects whenever and wherever possible. The Chapter follows the dictates of the Codex Astartes, fielding a balanced mix of Tactical, Assault and Devastator Squads, in addition to the prescribed compliment of support units. The Blood Angels suffer such a fate, for their own flaw is at once the source of their nobility and drive for perfection in all things, and the curse that forces them to relive the dying moments of their beloved Primarch in the heat of battle. A small number of Chapters have inherited quite unusual beliefs from the cultures they recruit from, and these have become intermixed with their veneration of the Emperor or of the Primarch. Every Chapter is entirely autonomous from every other Adepta of the Imperium, including the Inquisition, and takes its orders only from the High Lords of Terra themselves. After their discovery by the Inquisition, the Steel Confessors were forced to become an independent Chapter of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but they still maintain unusually close ties with the Mechanicum of Mars.

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warhammer 40k homebrew codex